1) Aww yeah, I wrote the date correctly! I wrote it as 2015 in my last post. But it’s unlikely anyone noticed because basically everyone does it for the first part of each year.
Anyhoo, to the point!
2) I thought I’d start the year with a kind of an AMA thingie. Ask me anything, I’ll reply with a comic
1) The AMAs usually have a disclaimer of some sort… What should I write… //// 2) Maybe something like this?
I’m a comic blogger who used to draw comics but then she didn’t anymore and now she does. But while she didn’t she got a degree and studied abroad in America. After graduation she worked at a big animation studio (which doesn’t exist anymore) and then joined a small game start up at which she still works, but not quite full time because bipolar, and right now she’s craving tea and marshmallows because she saw a video with a raccoon who tried to wash his cotton candy in a puddle and it dissolved. Cotton candy is gross, and so are marshmallows, but not as gross, so you can still have a craving for them. Ask me anything!
Mulla on edellisenkin blogin puolella iso kasa vastaamattomia kysymyksiä, mut..eh.. käännetään nyt uusi lehti. Yees? Yees. :B
PSST. Jos ette jostain syystä halua kysyä asioita omalla nimellä ja sähköpostilla, käyttäkää 10 Minute Mailia. Perfectly fine to me :>.
Niin, ja jos joku ei ole nähnyt sitä pesukarhuvideota ni
S-se on niin hämmentynyt! Raukka! MNYY!!